
Thursday, March 10, 2011

MORE than Just a Twinge

I just had a wonderful two day visit to Lost Canyon. If you don't know, Lost Canyon is a Young LIfe camp in Williams, Arizona (which is about half an hour from Flagstaff). I am going to be the summer staff coordinator there this summer for 3 weeks and we met together as an assignment team . Good thing its in the mountains and at 7000 ft elevation, because I spent 2 weeks in Phoenix last summer in July and vowed I would do whatever I could, not to return there at that time of year. Altho that time in Phoenix produced one of the greatest joys in my life in Jax Davis, my second grandson.
But I digress. So I absolutely loved Lost Canyon-everything is mostly new and designed by people who really know Young LIfe camping and want every single kid who comes there to have the best week of their lives. Well I got just a bit jealous- because you see, I live at Woodleaf, another Young Life camp that has been around for 40 plus years and is desperately in need of some major repairs and some new facilities.
I guess if Woodleaf had a few millionaire donors, like Lost Canyon, we would have a newer, fancier, more modern day camp. But Woodleaf has a unique charm that Lost Canyon doesn't. Plus it doesn't have the history..especially for me and for my family.
But still...oh how I wished Woodleaf could have the new buildings , the slide, the long zip line that Lost Canyon has.
And then I pondered how much time I spend envying what others have. To be quite honest, I would not want you to know how much.
I've been jealous of my friends' nicer homes, nicer cars, nicer clothes, nicer vacations. Why can't I have what they have?? Why can't I make more money? Why can't I this? why can't I that?
Jealousy and envy are not things I am proud to admit I have. In fact, I feel rather even ridiculous feeling this way. When I consider HOW MUCH I possess compared to 90% of the world, I am most ashamedly embarrassed.
Instead of contemplating how much others might have that I don't , I should count the blessings that GOD has abundantly graced my life with. I have the most wonderful man who has loved me faithfully and consistently for over 35 years, I have 4, well no, 6 adult children , who have incredibly forgiven me for the many mistakes I made mothering them and have brought me such tremendous joy watching them grow into adults who love Jesus with passion.
And then there's Kellen and Jax, the 2 cutest little boys I know (but they deserve their own blog...soon) who have made my heart burst with love that I haven't experienced since I had my own kids.
And then there's my friends..who have blessed my life in too numerous to count ways thru the years. And my first career where I ministered to many patients and their families and loved almost every minute that I was a nurse. And now, not really a career, but its my job, where I get the privilege of loving college kids and pointing them to JESUS in every way I can think of.
So how can I possibly be jealous? How can I have more than just a twinge of envy for others who have more than me?
Good question, huh?
Instead of being envious, I want to be one who counts my blessings. One who has that "attitude of gratitude". One who is content exactly where I am , with what I have.
Oh God, do Your work in my life, so that I can rejoice with how you bless all your children.

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