I love the idea of #tbt on Facebook.
Seeing pictures of people from recent or way in the past years is such a fun thing to view.
I'm thankful for my new habbit of writing about being thankful on Thursdays, because it reminds me-and hopefully any who read this- that we need to remember to cultivate gratitude in our lives.
Today I am thankful that a dear dear friends mom, no longer suffers and she is in heaven.
I am grateful that I know my God will comfort, uphold and support the Lai family thru this.
I am thankful for a year in YLC Chico of watching my girls -all 15 of them- seek to grow deeper with Jesus.
Thankful too that my 2-3 times/week drives are over for awhile.
Thankful for a visit from our daughter Katie this week.
Thankful for answers for the Hagenbuch's, and that Kaylee will hear again in the near future!!
Thankful for the early arrival of one of the Interns and anticipating the other 13 arriving by Sunday.
Thankful for a good phone call from a friend this morning and that we have been able to be real with each other for over 35 years now and thankful that I have the privilege of praying for her family.
So grateful today for God's redemptive plan in our lives-that He alone can taken the broken hurtful places and heal them.
Thankful that we were able to celebrate Scud's 30 years with Young Life last night.
Thankful that my life is not dictated by the outcome of my teams.
Thankful that God knows exactly what will happen next in my life and in yours.
Thankful that the Bible is available to read-that I never have to hide it.
So thankful for the women who mentored me in my life- who knows how I would have turned out without them.
That's my five minutes. Please share with me what you are thankful for.
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