But so often we forget to be thankful. We think it in our heads, and sometimes for me and not often enough, I return and thank God for the answers He has given for the prayers I have prayed.
Two years ago I had the privilege for 3 weeks to be the summer staff boss of the most amazing group of college kids I had ever met. For 3 weeks, we worked hard, played just as hard, got real, cried, laughed and enjoyed each other's company. It was incredible the bonding that took place in just 3 short weeks. One of the girls who came was from the South, She had lost her mom over a year before but she had the MOST sweet spirit. Babs told me about the book "1000 gifts" and I quickly ordered it on my Kindle.
I got home and started to read it, but somehow it didn't "grab" me. Must have been what was happening in my life because for the life of me, I don't know why I didn't get it.
But this winter I picked up the book and WOW...I was blown away by this sweet midwestern farmer's wife who challenged me to become aware of all the blessings I have been given. Thank you Ann Voskamp for sharing Eucharisto with me.
So its Thursday again and I am glad to be share with you what i am thankful for at this given moment.
. Babs-for introducing me to this life changing book!!
. Scud-for loving me and knowing when I need that extra hug. for putting up with my tears.
. Cody and Riley- ok you might think I am crazy for being thankful for my dogs-but I love them.
. For the rain we had the past few days-our grounds need it desperately and it kept the fires from going completely out of control.
. My Chico girls. Our year is at the end and I have learned so much from them and am thankful that God has allowed me glimpses into seeing the women they will become.
. My YL region of NorCal/Nevada and the generosity they showered on Woodleaf.
. My 2 staff friends who I mentor. Who knew how quickly I would love them and be changed by them.
. That I will get to be with one of my kids on mother's day. Hasn't happened in quite awhile but so looking forward to Katie's visit.
. That my 4 kids love JESUS. What more could a parent ask for? But I will still keep praying that each of them will go deeper.
. For my 2 son in laws who both love my daughters so well.
. For strawberry season!!! Need I say more.
. That I will get to have a vegetable garden again this year.
. For the amazing blue sky I am looking at right now and the sun that will warm the day.
. the elliptical machine-its keeping our hearts pumping.
. For an amazing visit with 2 friends last weekend-so great to grow still in our faith in our 60's.
. And looking forward to a wedding in 2 weeks where I will see so many of the NINTERNS again. Scud and I can't wait.
There is more, but I gave myself 5 minutes of typing.
I hope you can take at least 5 minutes and give thanks for the blessings in your life today.
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