
Monday, May 13, 2013


Yesterday was Mother's Day.
I used to look forward to this "american greeting card holiday" so much.
Because it was MY ONE DAY OF THE YEAR that was all about me with my family.
If you don't know, Scud and I share the same birthday. So normally, my birthday doesn't mean much because I'm always trying to make it special for him. The "decade year" birthdays felt like they were mine, but shoot that's every 10 years. But boy have they been special.
So Mother's Day was my day and I totally milked it for all it was worth-meaning I did nothing but what I wanted. I remember going to Giants games on mother's day. I wish I had done that yesterday, I really miss those times.
I've been to the beach on mother's day. One year, I actually spent about 4 hours by myself at a Barnes and Noble, which was an amazing treat!!

As I got older, I didn't care as much. And once I became a grandmother, I really understood how much of a gift having children is, not that I didn't know that before.  So now, on Mother's Day, I am overwhelmed with thankfulness that the LORD blessed me with four unique human beings that have allowed me the privilege of being their mom. 
Being a mom is the hardest job any woman will undertake.  I used to think that those toddler years were the hardest. NOPE, they are just tiring-often sheer exhaustion that one might never feel again.   
Then there is the school years, when for the first time, your child leaves the safety of your home and the world around them can begin to bring changes you never expected. 
And the middle school and high school years? Well they are filled with your child's search for independence and autonomy that I truly believe we never expected. Plus all the hormones added to the challenges of what they might be tempted with-seriously we should throw parties when our children graduate from high school for us-that we survived!!
And then comes the empty nest years and you wonder where has the time gone. You miss the noise of your home that sending them off to college brings. Soon after comes college graduation, and you marvel at your child's accomplishment.
But don't think you are done then. I truly believe now, that this being the year my youngest turns 30, you never really are done being a Mom; it just changes. And that's a good thing too. Its fun to become friends with your adult children and be involved in their lives. Those times when you all get together are not as often as before -but so very special when they do occur.

Yesterday at  church, our pastor talked about Mary, the mother of Jesus and what it might have been like for her. Try to even imagine that. Your son, the SON of the Most High God and actually God Himself. Talk about being on your best behavior. Shoot I probably would never ututer a cross word or threat.
Pastor D mentioned what it would look like to have your 30 year old son living with you and then taking off for 3 years. That part I can imagine!!
Did Mary have any idea what would become of her Son? Probably not. I think God might have spared her the anguish of knowing what lay ahead.

What impressed me so very very much yesterday was Mary's last words recorded in the Bible. It was at the wedding in Cana. You know, the story of the wedding that ran out of wine and Jesus performed His first public miracle by turning water into wine (that's one wine I would love to have tasted!!).
Mary asks Jesus to help out and He chides her by saying "My time has not yet come".
Mary then tells the servants at the wedding:
" Do whatever He tells you."

Those were her last recorded words.
What PROFOUND words. 
Scud and I talked about those 5 words most of our way home from church.  

Those are the words I wish I had known earlier in my mothering role
Those 5 words are the BEST advice any mother could tell her children.

Do whatever He tells you.
Obeying God first and foremost.

Those 5 words are now going to be part of my prayer life. For myself, for my children and husband and for you.        

1 comment:

  1. Well that is the best parenting advice I have heard. Thanks for sharing Missy!
