World Vision's decision to allow gay married people to work for them, and then one day reversing their decision, has caused an uproar heard throughout the world. Ten thousand children who were sponsored were going to be sponsorless.
One thing I have learned is that hopefully, as you age, you become a bit wiser.
In my earlier years, my 30's and 40's, I too, would spout off my mouth at the disgraces, atrocities, unfair justices that occured. Fortunately for many, the internet was not the social atmosphere that it is today. Blogosphere had not been invented. So much of what I might have said or written was never penned.
I have read many many blogs this past week and a half and have been surprised at words, the thoughts, the accusations that have been printed. I myself even wrote a blog.
I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this issue is another tool of God's enemy to cause division in His Church.
It doesn't matter if we label ourself as an evangelical, or consider ourself progressive, satan is out to destroy the Body of Christ on earth. This controversy of the LGBT and their acceptance in our churches, or not, is just one more battle we are fighting. There are huge, vast differences. They seem to be ones that will never be resolved. However, we may feel about this subject, it is absolutely causing a division in the Church.
This is not the first time this has happened . Recall the racism outrage in the Church.
I shudder to think of how, we as the Church, have caused our God, grief. How we have maligned His Character because of our bickering and fighting.
The older I get, the MORE I realize how little I know. How little I know of how Christ would respond. How dare I try to speak for Him or say I know exactly how or what His take is on various issues.
Yes, we do have His Word, and that is ALWAYS THE TRUTH. But on the subjects that are not clear, I have no business, saying that I know for 100% accuracy what Jesus Christ Himself would say.
I have read so much of what people say they believe to be Christ's Words or His thoughts on this homosexual controversy. And I have been happy to read of how others are thinking more, stepping back.
I appreciate the honesty, the vulnerability of another Rachel
The biggest lesson the LORD has taught me over the years is that first and foremost, we need to go to Him. With our questions, our doubts, our struggles with things we need clarity on. We can read what others think or believe, but OUR answers need to come from Jesus Christ Himself. We need to search His Word to see what it says.
I have learned that the Bible will always say TRUTH. That the Word of God is timeless, that it always is relevant. When we seek answers, God will have them; He may not choose to reveal them to us, but be assured GOD HAS ALL THE ANSWERS.
How apt and timely is the Word I read this morning:
" Therefore as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the LORD forgave you.
And over all these virtues, put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity."
PLEASE CHURCH, FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST, when we have opposing views, may we remember to act like Our Savior. May compassion and kindness and gentleness be evident. May we be humble and realize that we are NOT ALWYAS RIGHT. May we still love each other, so that the world will see a differnce in us. Instead of what they have observed this past week: bitter, divisive, angry and anything but humble.
And may we FORGIVE each other. We may not agree with each other and we may never agree, but God commands us over and over again to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
I pray we will be obedient to His commands.
Colossians 3:12-14
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