I have loved books since the moment I could read.
At seven years of age, My favorite books were "Sammy the Seal" and "Last One Home is a Green Pig". I read those books over and over again. I love them still. Recently, I gave them to my seven year old grandson Kellen and very happy I report, that he loves to read too!!
My dad was a voracious reader. I always saw him reading. I know that was one of the greatest gifts my father gave me, the wonder of transporting yourself into someone's story, whether it be fiction or true. I cannot even begin to fathom the money I have spent, well really invested in books.
I love mysteries, spy thrillers, romance novels. I love books that inspire me, those biographies of people I might never have heard about but have given me an appreciation for the story of their lives.
I love books that teach me things I haven't thought about, that transcend me to places I might never get to see, and that give me hope.
I can't count how many books I read in a year. I wish I could. But usually, I read 3-4 different books at a time.
This year I read a book that was very hard to read (The Hardest Peace:
But this book gave me hope for what awaits.
I have read spy thrillers and books that have challenged me.
One book that I just finished, is one that has profoundly affected me. I have read books by author Henri Nouwen, that cause me to stop and contemplate and listen to God in ways that I never would have imagined. Nouwen has impacted my faith , along with Frederich Buechner like no others.
BUT this recent book is one that I wish I had read 30 years ago because it has challenged me, convicted me and left me wanting to be the person God envisioned me to be when He created me. Unfortunately the author would have been 15 years old to have written this book that long ago.
This book is about life with God. What it is meant to be. What being in a relationship with God is supposed to look like.
I read this book and realized I have failed often, but rejoiced also in how the Holy Spirit has led me. To me, this is a book every follower of Christ needs to read. You will be challenged, you will be convicted, you will want more.
Already I have bought copies of this book and given it-or about to give it to 12 people. I was about one third of the way through the book when I knew I wanted to share it with others. I didn't know what the rest of the book would be like, but what I had read, I wanted to pass on.
Yesterday when I finished the book, I told my husband that there hasn't been a book that has profoundly affected me like this in a very long time. It is one I will give and use in small groups, and will read over and over again with as many people as God lets me.
So what is this book?
It is " All In " by Mark Batterson
I hope you will go out and purchase this book. Or get it for your Kindle or Nook.
Just get it. I am pretty sure you won't be disappointed, you won't have wasted your money, and you will be encouraged to pursue Jesus in ways that will honor Him immensely.
The Hardest Peace is a great read.