They can paralyze us. If we let them.
What scares you?
Fear of the unknown? Fear of failing? Fear of a lifetime of loneliness? Fear of making the wrong career move?
Fear of being unloved or unwanted? Fear of not getting into college? Fear of being a parent? Fear of not being a parent? Fear of losing someone you love? Fear of divorce? Fear of getting a catastrophic illness? Fear of being single forever? Fear of the empty nest? Fear of your mistakes being known?
We have so many things that can frighten us, that can erroneously make us believe that disaster is upon us. That we will be 'found out".
If we let our fears consume us, they can debilitate us. We can be overtaken by anxiety.
It is a well known fact that over ninety percent of our fears and what we worry about will not come to pass.
How much time do you spend worrying?
Does it help? More than likely, not.
In fact, our fears and worries can wreck havoc on our bodies. It is medically proven that unwanted fears, worrying and anxiety can produce stress on our bodies. Which can result in illnesses.
Believe me, I am no stranger to this.
When my children were younger, I had the almost paralyzing fear that if my husband was away, our home would be broken into and I would be left to protect my kids. I couldn't sleep. Any noise would have me grabbing the baseball bat that I had put right next to my bed. I would get up, turn on all the lights I could, and scour the house for someone. It was a needless worry, but one that really produced an immense fear in my life.
As a nurse, I would imagine the worst if something happened to one of my kids. A headache would turn into "what if its a brain tumor?".
So you see, I was an expert in being afraid.
I constantly asked God to take away my fears.
I memorized 2 verses in particular:
Psalm 91:2
"This I declare about the LORD:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
HE is my God and I trust Him"
and Psalm 34:4
"I prayed to the LORD and He answered me,
and delivered me from all my fears."
Eventually God did deliver me from all my fears and I know that He truly is my refuge. I am not easily frightened with fears now.
This morning I began reading the book of Luke. Two times in the first chapter, a priest named Zachariah and Mary, who became the mother of Jesus, were both told,
"Don't be afraid, Zachariah."
"Don't be afraid, Mary."
By name, God told them not to be afraid.
And He says that to you too. With your name. He promises us in the Bible, that He will never leave us or forsake us.
What we need to do is take Him at His Word.
In the book of Joshua, we are told " that not one of the Lord's good promises has failed. Every one has been fulfilled" (Josh 21:45).
God promises to be with us in whatever we go through. We are never alone. All we have to do is go to Him. Tell Him our fears. Ask Him to comfort us. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus and not our circumstances.
You may be thinking this is easy for her to say, she doesn't know what I am going through. And you are right, because I don't know and I may not understand your circumstances.
I do, however, know God's faithfulness:
When I was 21 and my mother died unexpectedly, He was there. He was there to comfort me minute by minute, hour by hour , day after day.
When I had to have one of my kids hospitalized for anorexia and I was so afraid I might lose her. God was there with me through the two months she was in treatment. He let me know she was Ok.
When my sons left home in hurt and anger. God carried me when I was feeling guilt ridden and depressed.
When I heard the words: "You have cancer". The LORD was with me every minute. I never was afraid. And if it comes back, I know He will be with me every step of the way.
We are never without our heavenly Father. He is always with us.
So if you are struggling with fears, worry or anxiety, can I plead with you to cry out to the Father.
I am not saying you will immediately be cured of your fears, but you will have someone who will walk with you everyday until you realize that these fears can no longer control you. They don't have to ruin your day or your month or your life.
Isn't that the best news you have heard today?
Philippians 4:6-7 New Living Translation.
"Don't worry about anything;instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.."
You only have your fears to lose, and peace to gain!
another post on fear:
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