It has been WAY TOO LONG since I have written anything. I went from ending the year in Young Life College at Chico to sprinting and trying to catch up with our Woodleaf summer. Our 17 amazing interns-that I have the immense privilege and blessing of being involved with-arrived before the school year ended in Chico. No time to catch my breath. No time to relax and take it easy. TIME to GET GOING. Time to get Woodleaf ready for the thousands of campers who will be here. Hundreds of kids each week visiting and hearing the powerful words of how Jesus Christ loves them and desires to be in a relationship with each one of them.
I made countless trips to the airport to pick up people. My latest trip was Saturday and I got to pick up our daughter Katie, who will be with us for 12 days while her Nate is in Israel for business. Its my habit to pray while I drive; whether its to Chico or the airport. It gives me time to really think and pray for what is on my heart. This last trip I was praying and began to realize that I have been so busy that I have forgotten to stop and thank God for the prayers and blessings and people that He has brought into my life. So as i drove , I began to compose this list of what I had forgotten to give thanks for:
. The wonderful girls I had the privilege to meet with weekly this year and the tremendous blessings I was allowed to have watching them pursue after their Savior and Lord.
. The wonderful celebrations I was able to attend as three of my college friends graduated and I have had the privilege of walking with them all 4 or 5 years of their college career!! CONGRATS TO ROBBY, ROBIN AND CARLIE!!
. YLC in Chico is growing and its all because of GOD.
. I love my job.
. I love watching who my adult kids have become. Scud and I treasure any time we get with them.
. I love Kellen and Jax and the joy of being their Grammy. . The sweet lifelong friends I have been given. I can't imagine my life without them.
. Woodleaf...that this property belongs to God, and we are just His tools.
. The Gresham family and how much we will miss them and their faithfulness in serving Christ.
. Our bosses; Scud and I are blessed by these men who love and long to serve and lead as Christ did.
. For our interns this summer!! What a lively group of exuberant, fun-loving, thoughtful , Christ serving kids!!
. For Scud...always thankful for how this man loves Christ, me and others and for his life of integrity.
. For God's continual GRACE, MERCY and FORGIVENESS to me. Everyday I am reminded of what an amazing, awesome GOD HE is.
These were just a few of my WOW moments that I was reminded of. I need to stop and be mindful everyday of how much GOD has done. For how much He has blessed my life. Challenging and encouraging all of us to take the time. To STOP AND GIVE THANKS!!
Give THANKS to THE LORD, His LOVE endures forever!!
Oh Blessed Sweetness God has for those He loves! In a few years, Missy - I'm not sure how, but I know Woodleaf will be our future. Even as volunteers - Your writings make me long for the day and to see my husband explode in his calling. Thanks for reminding me to reflect on God's amazing goodness in my life as well. You are an awesome lady. I will be in Sac. in mid -July - for about a week - maybe we can connect? - Bethie will finally be moving!