
Friday, June 10, 2011

There's Hope for me yet

Right now I am two thirds thru my assignment as the women's summer staff coordinator at Lost Canyon.
I can't even begin to tell you how blessed this time has been. God has been so wonderfully gracious to me. I have 26 girls that I am to get to know , and lead. But by far, my most important job is to love them. And this has been very easy. They come from all over the United States...the south is represented in gals from Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and Arkansas. We have midwestern girls from Kansas and Iowa and Illinois. Of course California and Arizona and Nevada are represented and Sweet Angel comes from Hawaii.
We also have 26 young men with us and they too come from all over the country.
We are truly a diverse group of different races and yet we all are here to serve Christ.
I have been humbled by the stories of their lives. There are heartaches,tragedies and pain that seem most unbearable to me. I want to love them as they deserve to be loved. I want them to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that a lifetime of walking with Jesus is worth it. That life doesn't make sense at all apart from Christ. That there may be joys,and happiness; but there also can be times of great challenge, frustration and yes, even terrible pain. Times where they may wonder: "GOD, are you even there?"
My heart's desire is that they will know the Love, the Strength, the Hope, the Grace, the Faithfulness of Our Savior. That it is something that will always be there for us;even in the midst of the darkest of times.
This has been such a rich time for me.
But it hasn't always been easy. This late 50's body isn't what it once was. I am tired tonight and know that we will be leaving at 6am to see the Grand Canyon tomorrow. So I know I need to sleep well tonight and encourage them to do the same. Because tomorrow afternoon brings our last group of campers for their "WEEK ONLY" and we need to be at our very best to serve them.
As an assignment team, we have had devotions every morning. As the entire camp, we have a booklet on the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthinians-the LOVE chapter and it has been very thought provoking and challenging.
Today we looked at ! Cor 13:5b "Love keeps no record of wrongs"
How many times have I kept records? and why??

I was very convicted and after our meeting, I opted out of our next meeting so that I could spend some time with the LORD getting my heart right.
So many Scriptures speak of our need for forgiveness.
I think the one I go to the most is Colossians 3:13.
Bear with one another (or make allowance for each other's faults)and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the LORD forgave you.
Luke 6:37 says:
Forgive and you will be forgiven

So I take that to mean if I don't forgive, I won't be forgiven. WOW...that is some serious words of Jesus. I want and desperately need forgiveness. So I must forgive, even when it means I have been offended, or taken advantage of, or someone has deeply wounded me or worse yet, someone I love.

So the pettiness and grudge I had against someone back home, was quickly confessed.
I was cleansed and forgiven for my lack of mercy towards someone.
And thankful that the Holy Spirit spoke deep into my heart and showed me that I needed to keep no records of wrongs. That keeping short accounts really is the BEST way.
And that Hebrews 8:12 is a promise I claim today:
For I will forgive their wickedness, and remember their sins no more.

Thank you Lord Jesus, that slowly but surely , You are changing me from the selfish unforgiving person I naturally tend to be, into the person You envision me to be.
There is hope for me yet!!

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