
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I have a young friend named Kyle.
He is someone I admire and respect deeply. And I'm in awe of him. I guess you could say he is one of my real life heroes.
I have known Kyle since he was born. His parents are some of our oldest and very dearest friends.
As a young boy, Kyle was all about playing army. He could sit for hours and play with his green plastic army guys with pretend rifles, guns , tanks etc.
As he grew older, he had a maturity about him that was unusual for boys his age. He never really knew his paternal grandfather but he admired him tremendously. You see, his grandpa was a retired colonel in the US Army-as was his oldest uncle.
Can you see where this is going? Kyle wanted to follow in his grandfather's footsteps. I think it was after his sophmore year of high school that he went to a camp at West Point in New York and then he was absolutely convinced that this is where he wanted to go , what he wanted to do.
So it was no surprise to any of us, during his senior year, that he applied and was accepted into the Military Academy at West Point. All of us were completely thrilled for Kyle. And so in the late summer of 2007, Kyle headed off to West Point.
It was at that time, they I made a commmittment to pray for Kyle thruout his stay at West Point. I confessed to him this March when he was home for spring break that I think I have missed 2-3 days of praying for him during his stay at West Point.
Why wouldn't I pray for him? Kyle is going to spend the next years of his life fighting for my freedoms. He is willing to do whatever it takes . This summer he will be in Alabama in some type of flight school. His years in the military are just beginning and I am so grateful for the men and women who fight for our freedoms.
I must admit that my mother's heart is scared for him. I don't want him to go to Afghanistan. I want him to be safe here. And I can't imagine what he must feel. He is willing to give his life for any of us if needed. Just like the thousands who have since our country began.
Kyle and the rest of all the military in the world have jets, submarines,aircraft carriers, fighter planes, and so much more than I can even begin to comprehend at their disposal to try and fight for ours and many others safety and freedom. I don't even understand it, can't fathom why we get into wars and why we win some and lose others.
But there are many Kyle's out there doing this for us.
So as Kyle waits for another month to graduate from the US Military Academy at West Point, I want to thank him for his selflessness, for his willingness to fight if need be, for all of us. He is worthy of the admiration,and respect I have for him. And although, I would LOVE to be at his be a beaming proud friend, (money and a commitment to be at my job in AZ days later prevent this), I will celebrate him from a distance. Congratulate him and give him my gratitude, and yours too.
This morning I was reminded of Kyle while I was reading the book of Jeremiah.I read that :

But the ONE who redeems them is strong. His name is the LORD of Heaven's Armies. He will defend them" (see Jeremiah 50)

God who is the Head and LORD of Heaven's Armies, will defend them.
My God will fight for me, will do whatever it takes to redeem me. Afterall, His Son died for me in order to redeem me-to get me out of the clutches of the one who wants to destroy me, to keep me from knowing God's love, mercy and forgiveness.
I have been contemplating this phrase the LORD of Heaven's Armies off and on for about a year now. And I am not sure of what it really means. But what I do know is that the Army in heaven is massive. And God, being God has ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING at His disposal. Everything He needs to enable me to keep going. Everything I need to keep me from losing hope. He is the real COMMANDER IN CHIEF and HE has EVERYTHING we need to win the battles, to win the war for our souls.
So I have even more gratitude, respect and awe of the LORD of Heaven's Armies.He has truly given His Life for mine.

Thank you Kyle.
Thank you God. YOU are truly the LORD OF HEAVEN'S ARMIES!!!

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